H Y P 3 D



About us
Human happiness the way they make shows is, they make one show that show’s called a pilot then they show that show to the people who make shows, and on the pilots get picked and become. The HyP3D project brought together both strong research capabilities and extensive industrial knowledge. The research aspect of the project is supported by four research/academic partners (IREC, DTU, PoliTo, and BSC) with a wealth of experience in materials for energy and energy devices, particularly in Solid Oxide Cells technologies. On the other hand, the industrial aspect of the project is comprised of two SMEs (VAC-TRON, H2B2) and two large industries (3DCERAM, SNAM) that possess relevant ceramic manufacturing capabilities and excellent knowledge of the final application scenario.


Country: Spain
Type: Research institute

HyP3D is led by the Catalonia Institute for Energy Research (IREC), based in Barcelona, Spain, which serves as the project’s general coordinator. IREC is a renowned institution within the Spanish research community and a key player in the field of energy research. The Department of Nanoionics and Fuel Cells at IREC has extensive experience in fabrication and characterization of solid oxide cells for electrolysis and power generation using classical ceramic production techniques as well as 3D printing. IREC’s expertise will be fundamental for the building of HyP3D stack.



Country: Denmark
Type: Academic
DTU is a leading technical university in Europe with over 20 years of experience in developing and up-scaling advanced functional ceramics. DTU also boasts a pre-pilot scale ceramic process laboratory with a capacity to produce tens of thousands of ceramic fuel cells per year, as well as fully automated testing and characterization facilities for single cells and stacks, including equipment for testing at elevated pressures which will play a key role in high pressure test for HyP3D.

Politecnico di Torino

Country: Italy
Type: Academic
Politecnico di Torino (PoliTO) is a top-ranking university in Italy and Europe, with a focus on technical-scientific research. POLITO is a center of excellence for education and research in engineering, architecture, design, and planning, and it collaborates closely with the socioeconomic system. POLITO has a strong background in the development, characterization, and testing of advanced glass sealant and ceramic coatings for SOC. PoliTO is also a mayor leader in materials, modelling and testing of joining. Their expertise will be combined to produce high pressure resistant joining for HyP3D.

Barcelona SupercomputingCenter

Country: Spain
Type: Academic
The Barcelona Supercomputing (BSC) is a national institution in Spain dedicated to high-performance computing (HPC). It is managing MareNostrum, one of the most powerful supercomputers in Europe. BSC-CNS provides HPC resources to the international scientific community and industry. Its research team works in a variety of fields, making it a multidisciplinary center of excellence in e-Science. BSC modelling tools allow to generate high fidelity models of energy systems, impossible to solve with conventional computing, this in addition to their expertize in creating deep neural networks for building up digital twins. BSC will carry out high fidelity fluido-dynamic, electro-thermo-chemical and mechanical models for HyP3D technology, in parallel with the creation of a digital twin of the HyP3D stack.
3DCERAM Sinto Logo

3D Ceram

Country: France
Type: Large Industry
3DCERAM is a Company leader in 3D printing technology for advanced ceramics. For more than 15 year they developed their proprietary technology for 3D printing. 3DCERAM develop its own slurry for different materials to be used with their own machines. In HyP3D, 3DCERAM will offer its expertise to produce slurries, optimize printing and post-printing processes. HyP3D will use 3D ceramic machines to produce complex shaped ceramic cells able to withstand the high pressures. 3DCERAM develops their own hardware thus making them the perfect partners for projects like this where reliable mass manufacturing of disruptive SOEC cells is the objective.


Country: Spain
Type: SME
VAC-TRON is a SME specialized in glass-to-metal sealing technology for high demanding application such as aerospace and oil and gas industry. They possess more than 35 years experience in design and manufacturing gas tight components able to operate at high pressures. VAC-TRON will bring important expertise to the HyP3D project in the areas of joint design for high pressure and high temperature, also creating reliable mass-scale sealing procedures.


Country: Spain
Type: Large Industry
H2B2 is an organization specialized in hydrogen production systems utilizing water electrolysis at different levels: development, financing, design, integration, construction, operation, and maintenance. They offer end-to-end solutions for green hydrogen production, encompassing every stage of the process. They will provide HyP3D with their deep knowledge of energy efficiency and cost-reduction strategies of the designed systems. In addition H2B2 is the owner of the manufacturing pilot line that will be used to produce HyP3D cells.


Country: Italy
Type: Large Industry
Snam is a leading operator in natural gas transport and storage in Europe, with an infrastructure that supports the energy transition. Drawing upon its 80 years of experience in managing and developing networks and plants, Snam ensures the security of energy supply and drives the energy transition across various territories by investing in green gases, such as biomethane and hydrogen, as well as energy efficiency. SNAM will contribute to the balance of plant of HyP3D system.
Funded by the European Union (Grant Agreement No. 101101274). Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or Clean Hydrogen Joint Undertaking. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.